26 October 2009

More about Rain

I am thinking a lot about rain today, mainly because it's raining. Hard. So hard I tried to convince the boyfriend to take my extra umbrella (a perky, green little number) - naturally, he refused.

I also got to wear my rubber rain boots for the first time...since this summer. I bought these adorable rainboots last year - tall, plain black, cute little buckle detail, and only $30 at Urban Outfitters.....sadly, after a few weeks of wear, a handy little split appeared in the side - right at the seam between rubber sole and rubber upper. Balls. Happily, thanks to Shoe Goo (and no thanks to UO's shoddy product) my feet are dry. Hallelujah. Or however you spell that.

Another etiquette issue about the rain that I feel should be addressed is the rainy day drivers. I mean, I understand you. If'n I even owned a car, I would probably be pretty convinced to take it on a day like today. What I would not do is swerve into puddles just to splash the sad, wet rats who have to walk to work (like me! like me!) who don't have cars. So, fuck you, Splash-Monger! May you spin out of control and total your car.
While we're on the subject, I'd like to address another concern, which is that of the Impatient Rain Driver. You huff and you puff as I trudge across the street, or you don't wait at all, speeding through the intersection as I stand, dejected and cold. I mean, really! I'm outside! I'm wet, I'm cold, and I am slow - because I am walking, not driving. You are fast, you are comfortable, you are DRY! So, fuuuuuuuuck you too!

On another wet-weather note though, I did find fabulous patterned umbrellas at Daiso (in Westlake - it is a Japanese dollar store, so if you haven't ever been there, you need to go right now) for only $1.50! I bought a whole fucking bouquet.

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