20 July 2010

Health Elixir

Sometimes, the airing of one's dirty laundry over various internet outlets really grates me. Especially when you know how one-sided it is. But then, what's a LiveJournal for, eh? I suppose I should simply "unfollow," though it seems it might not be as simple as all that if Goose is to be belived. And I think he is.

Anyway, in the spirit of curmudgeonliness (yes it is a word, I just made it up. I am like unto Shakespeare and Sarah Palin) I shall share another simple drink recipe. This one's good for the sickly, in honor of Miz O'holic as she attempts to ward off her boyfriend's nasty germs. (Yes, that's right! Alcohol for the ill! What's in a name, anyway?)

Basically, you put EmergenC in some Vodka. Ok, well, I also add a splash of cranberry juice, and I like to use the raspberry flavored E.C. because it's my favorite, and the cranberry covers the weird taste a bit. Also, it is fizzy!

That's it.

Much like the Blue Drink, this delight both creates and cures a hangover!

01 July 2010

Blue Drink

Blue Drink + Pizza = Party Fuel

My new, ghetto-fabulous obsession is my Pride Weekend cocktail masterpiece, creatively dubbed "Blue Drink." The best part is, it is fabulously easy to make and if you buy the little kids' style blue fruit-flavored beverage, well then you get vitamins too! It's pretty much a hangover maker and cure in one fucking glass. And it's blue.

SO blue.

Anyway, all it consists of is Vodka (about a jigger, I'd wager), blue, and a splash of lemonade. The lemonade is what really brings it all together, not to mention giving the blue drink a nice cloudy appearance that makes it look a bit less like Kool-Aid and more like you are an adult and you are enjoying a glass of alcoholic Kool-Aid.

Yeah dudes. Blue drink. You know what I mean. Find that shit at RiteAid and buy a huge bottle for a dollar and go ahead and let your friends laugh and be disgusted that you bought a big bottle of blue-dyed sugar water, for when they taste the blue drink....the last laugh will most certainly be yours.

Please enjoy these photos of my lovely models, exhibiting their blue drink fashions. Beautiful people drink blue drink.

Caution: drinking blue drink has been known to cause melty backgrounds and blurred vision.