19 March 2010

Tuber Stew!!!

WOW! I completely suck balls at blogging, obviously. So, I haven't been that sad in the last couple of months, it's just that work has been so busy that I haven't been blogging, but OH! Have I been cooking.

All winter we obsessed about making a big old root stew, and finally, we harnessed our soup-making powers and found two frozen beets in the back of the fridge (yes, the fridge - I have THAT kind of icebox, the kind that is warm in front and everything in back is frozen, so it's awesome) created a beautiful bring pink stew!!

So, currently obsessed with root vegetables, and what better time to enjoy them than NOW while they're actually in season!?!?!

Okay, this is retarded easy to make.
To begin, assemble your roots and chop those bitches. We used a golden and a red beet, a couple of sweet potatoes, and delightfully, a turnip! All coarsely chopped into nice, big soup chunks.
Then, take your big soup tureen and dump a can of diced/chopped/stewed/what ever is in the house TOMATOES, and dump them into your pot. Add an additional couple of cans of water, to have as much broth as you like - remember that the veggies are going to soak some of it up.
So, put your big pot of tomato water on the burner, and let it heat up to a good steamy medium-high. At this point, toss your beets and turnip in. After about five to ten minutes, toss the potatoes. I know it seems wrong but darn if the sweet pots don't cook a whole lot faster than the beets.
Beets are fucking hard as rocks.
After dumping in your tubers(!) you can start adding spices and shit to build your broth. I tossed in a liberal amounts of garlic powder, onion powder (I'm Klassy! And cheap!) basil, rosemary, salt, pepper, and lovely paprika and chili powder. (We like it spicy. You can be a pussy if you want though). This way we don't use bullion and our lovely vegan friends can enjoy dinner with us.
OH yeah. Then I also put in a can of garbanzo beans, because I found them in the cupboard, and was feeling a bit hummus'd out, if you know what I mean. Also, PROTEIN!

And after a nice long, hot, steamy bath of about half an hour (or as soon as your beets are cooked enough - they won't get as soft as the potatoes, they should have a bit of resistance to them). And viola!! Delicious, delicious, bright and beautiful root stew.
Eat it with toast! Delicious!

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